Monday, February 18, 2013

Being Someone You're Not

Nowadays we use the internet to hide behind. Online we can be whoever we want to be. You can make up a new life, add random people who you don't know. We have never really looked at online relationships up close, but their is a new show which caught my attention, and made a connection with online relationships. The show is called "Catifish", most of you might have seen it on MTV or even heard about it. Mainly, Catfish is a show which deals with online relationships, and online love. There are people dying to meet "the love of their life", but have never met each other face to face, or even Skype. Some have talked for months and months,  to years and years. Most of the people are really not who they say they are. They are hiding behind someone else's picture, a made up job, school, and family. Disapointment rises when their "true love" are who they make themselves out to be. This destroys lives and relationships. especially trust. You need to be yourself, you can't pretend to be someone your not, and not add people you don't know. The internet, and social networking, truly has changed the way we interact with one another. What ever happened to the old fashion way in meeting new people from work, school, so you can know if they are who the truly say they are. Don't be someone your not,  and add people you know.

1 comment:

  1. Solid, thoughtful blog post. I like the design and the content of the blog so far Celeste. I'm looking forward to reading more posts as the semester continues. Keep up the good writing.
