Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Advertisement (Wild Card #2)

When see hundreds of adverstisements a day no matter where we are. We could be driving on the freeways and seeing a billboard, watching tv and seeing the commercials, to reading a magazines and seeing a full page used up of trying to sell the next fashionable thing. Some advertisements catch our eyes and you are now known as the "target audience". We as young adults are expected to go along with the latest trends and to known as "stylish" or "popular". We shouldn't listen and buy all the latest and especially expensive products. I feel like we should only by what is necessary for us to live and thrive as humans, and to not fall in to the crowd where you need to be "cool".

1 comment:

  1. I saw this picture a few days ago and it made me laugh. you made a good point on us choosing our own trends and not going for what is popular now a days.
    Great job:)
