Tuesday, April 2, 2013

My Road To Success

When you were a child no worries pertained to you. You would play with your dolls, take naps, and got a lot of things you asked your parents for. As you got older, each day, each month, each year, you became more independent. You learned how to be successful in everything you do. For me, I learned to be successful by motivation, courage, commitment, passion, and positivity.

In my life, I have been surrounded by some amazing people whether it is from my family to my boyfriend. My boyfriend has always been there for me, he is my best friend. He has believed in me when no one else has. He has motivated me to never give up and to always believe in myself. Whenever I am having a bad day he always cheers me up and turns all my negative emotions to positive emotions. When my aunt recently passed away, I didn't think I could keep myself together. I was miserable for weeks. Life hits you hard when someone so close to you passes away, you feel like just giving up. He was there for me through all the heartache, and put my mind at ease and to look on the brightside. He helped and taught me to never give up. You need that extra push in life, and motivation to be successful.

In order to be successful you need to have courage as well. Courage in never giving up. My courage comes from trying new things and to be able to do what I set my mind to. I was always scared of heights, and was always too scared to go on rides such as rollercoasters. I would always sit up against the railing and watch my whole family go on the ride. I felt sad because I felt like I would never ever be able to conquer my fear. One I got the courage to actually ride the ride after I kept on replaying everyones adrenalin high and laughing after getting off the ride. I knew I could conquer my fear, I got on the rollercoaster, and felt like I was infinite. All my fears went away, and I then learned to never underestimate the little things. You need to have courage in all you do.

I played softball since I was 7, in became a big part of my life. In softball you need to committed to the sport, never missing a practice and never ever missing a game. I learned how to work with others and supporting each other whether or not they got a hit or on base. A softball team is just like a family, you are always together, even sometimes you don't always get along, you always seem to find a way to become as one. You can get hit will the ball, hurt yourself when sliding, or even mess up a play, but that means you should never ever give up no matter what. I learned how to committ myself even when times would get rough, and it makes you feel good that you accomplish what you committ to.

Volunteering is my passion, when you are able to help someone in need or to help in general you get that feeling of positivity. I have volunteered a lot at such a young age. I have volunteered in painting a school in need, gardening, working in a snack bar, and volunteering with the elderly. When I volunteered with the elderly it became a little part of who I am. I met some amazing people who went through a lot in their lifetime. I would do activities, read, talk, and help them move around. They taught me to have fun in life. You need to have passion in what you love to do, and that for me is to help others.

You need to have a postive attitude. When you have a negative attitude you never get anything done, you don't enjoy anything, and especially people don't think to highly of you. I try to have a positive attitude and I give my positive attitude to others. If someone is worried, I always say "think positive" because its true. You can really turn a situation around in a blink of an eye, you just need to believe. I am positive in myself when it comes to my school goals and my future career goals. Maybe some people say you can't do it like the negative people in you life, but you can turn around and say "Hey I made it".


  1. I really liked all the elements that bring success to your life it takes a lot to post something so personal.

  2. i enjoyed reading your strategies, very inspiring! love the pictures ! :)

  3. This is woven together so well Celeste. I enjoy how you used the photos and words together to create your message. What you have to say here is really powerful, and a lot of people twice your age could use some reminders of what you write here. Be passionate about what you do. Commit. Conquer fears and don't give up. I especially like your final line where you offer up advice to ignore any of the "haters," the folks who sit and watch and say "it can't be done." There's plenty of people like that--but instead you're inspiring anyone who reads this to take charge of the outcome of their own life.

    Great writing & I agree w/ Jose that it takes a lot of courage to write from the heart like this! Thanks for sharing a little more of who you are with all of us.//lm
