Tuesday, May 7, 2013

My Bucket List

Each and every single one of us have had ideas of what we want do, what we are going to do, or what we have already done. All in all, we compose many ideas, in other words known as "A Bucket List". Even though I have only been on this earth for almost 19 years, there are things I have done, want to do, or am going to do.

In August 2011, I finally went somewhere where my family lives that I've never been before, and that place is Mascota, Mexico. I have aunts, uncles, cousins, whom I never ever met before. Mexico is a different environment, and I felt like I was home. I was welcomed with loving and open arms, and especially fed delcious food. I have always wanted to go and see where apart of me belongs. The beaches are beautiful, the people are friendly, and it really is a part every night. But now this August, I am going back to visit my family, and experience the life I love in Mexico.

To See My Favorite Band

When I hear the band City and Colour, I immediately freak out. Dallas Green from City and Colour has had lyrics that touched my heart and has made me to relate to each and every song. Without the music of City and Colour, I wouldn't have gotten through high school. With years and years dedicated to supporting their music and getting other interested is what I love to do. I have met many who have the same love for City and Colour as I do. What I want to do before I die, is to go to one of their concerts, which typically sells out. I would love for Dallas Green to know he changed my life with his simple love of music and lyrics.
 One of my favorite songs of all time: "The Girl" by City and Colour

One day, I hope to get married to the love of my life. It is always every girls dream to get married, settle down, and have kids. Marriage isn't just about a ring, a big wedding, and lots of gifts. It is just about being with the person whom you want to spend the rest of your life with. No, I don't want a fairytale wedding, like the ones on TV. I just want to celebrate my new start in life with the man I love.

One day, I hope to travel whereve my heart desires. I love learning about different and new cultures whether it is from music, food, religion, and the way of life. My dad and I are alike in a sense of trying new things. I wish both my dad and I had more free time then we could travel to where ever our hearts desire. The only negative side is having to learn a new language to communicate, but it will be worth it. Hopefully, when I'm older I could travel with my kids, I could teach them new cultures, how to be thankful for everything they have and to not take anything for granted.

In the end I just want to be succesful, have fun, and live life to the fullest. I may have many more hopes, dreams, and inspirations to come. But to not any day for granted is truly the best way to do anything you want to do.

Tuesdays With Morrie

Usually when it comes to books I just read it because I have to, but when it comes to the novel "Tuesdays With Morrie" by  Mitch Albom, I was instantly hooked and honestly couldn't put the book down. Morrie is an inspiration to everyone and even opened up my eyes with his belief, friendship, and his true calling in life and how to not take anytime or anything for granted. But what touched me about this book is that he reminded me of my grandfather, because of his strength, wisdom, passion, and his overall outlook on life. The final days of Morrie's life is the same way my grandfather left this world, so it truly hit a soft spot in my heart. This novel taught me how to not be afraid of getting older, and to reach for my dreams. Morrie taught Mitch that there is no such thing as "too late." Even if you have broken friendships, and career troubles, it is not too late to make yourself happy and to forgive everything in your past. Morrie taught us all to not take advantage of the little things in life instead enjoy the little things whether its from the plants outside, the weather, and the people you love who surround you. This is absolutely one of my favorite books to read, and I keep on telling those around me they need to read it, because it will change you life.

Job's for America's Youth

When we are younger we think of our dream job. Maybe, when you were 6 you wanted to be a singer, at 9 you wanted to be a chef, 13 you wanted to be a nurse and that idea and career is now your goal and dream job. Well all those thoughts and ideas are what I wanted to do when it came to college and a career. But some of us college students are so indesicive in what it is we want to do when it comes to our career and future. I have had a lot of family member who go to school and get there degree, and soon after they cannot find a job in what they have a degree in, or they are not passionate about what their degree is in. In the article "How a New Jobless Era Will Transform America" by Don Peck, he states "Job-switching is common, and with it, periods of voluntary, transitional unemployment."  Many college students change their mind of the future, or they can't find jobs due to the recession. Many are left unemployed and searching for themselves when they don't percisely know what the want to do or who to become. The career is very desirable and is the top job, because people are living longer, and a nurse is always needed no matter what. Knowing what you want to do and doing something that makes you happy, researching some top career choices can help so you have no needs to worry about unemployment.