Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Job's for America's Youth

When we are younger we think of our dream job. Maybe, when you were 6 you wanted to be a singer, at 9 you wanted to be a chef, 13 you wanted to be a nurse and that idea and career is now your goal and dream job. Well all those thoughts and ideas are what I wanted to do when it came to college and a career. But some of us college students are so indesicive in what it is we want to do when it comes to our career and future. I have had a lot of family member who go to school and get there degree, and soon after they cannot find a job in what they have a degree in, or they are not passionate about what their degree is in. In the article "How a New Jobless Era Will Transform America" by Don Peck, he states "Job-switching is common, and with it, periods of voluntary, transitional unemployment."  Many college students change their mind of the future, or they can't find jobs due to the recession. Many are left unemployed and searching for themselves when they don't percisely know what the want to do or who to become. The career is very desirable and is the top job, because people are living longer, and a nurse is always needed no matter what. Knowing what you want to do and doing something that makes you happy, researching some top career choices can help so you have no needs to worry about unemployment.

1 comment:

  1. Great job using the examples of jobs we wanted to do when we were younger as a hook. It really pulled me in!
