Tuesday, May 7, 2013

My Bucket List

Each and every single one of us have had ideas of what we want do, what we are going to do, or what we have already done. All in all, we compose many ideas, in other words known as "A Bucket List". Even though I have only been on this earth for almost 19 years, there are things I have done, want to do, or am going to do.

In August 2011, I finally went somewhere where my family lives that I've never been before, and that place is Mascota, Mexico. I have aunts, uncles, cousins, whom I never ever met before. Mexico is a different environment, and I felt like I was home. I was welcomed with loving and open arms, and especially fed delcious food. I have always wanted to go and see where apart of me belongs. The beaches are beautiful, the people are friendly, and it really is a part every night. But now this August, I am going back to visit my family, and experience the life I love in Mexico.

To See My Favorite Band

When I hear the band City and Colour, I immediately freak out. Dallas Green from City and Colour has had lyrics that touched my heart and has made me to relate to each and every song. Without the music of City and Colour, I wouldn't have gotten through high school. With years and years dedicated to supporting their music and getting other interested is what I love to do. I have met many who have the same love for City and Colour as I do. What I want to do before I die, is to go to one of their concerts, which typically sells out. I would love for Dallas Green to know he changed my life with his simple love of music and lyrics.
 One of my favorite songs of all time: "The Girl" by City and Colour

One day, I hope to get married to the love of my life. It is always every girls dream to get married, settle down, and have kids. Marriage isn't just about a ring, a big wedding, and lots of gifts. It is just about being with the person whom you want to spend the rest of your life with. No, I don't want a fairytale wedding, like the ones on TV. I just want to celebrate my new start in life with the man I love.

One day, I hope to travel whereve my heart desires. I love learning about different and new cultures whether it is from music, food, religion, and the way of life. My dad and I are alike in a sense of trying new things. I wish both my dad and I had more free time then we could travel to where ever our hearts desire. The only negative side is having to learn a new language to communicate, but it will be worth it. Hopefully, when I'm older I could travel with my kids, I could teach them new cultures, how to be thankful for everything they have and to not take anything for granted.

In the end I just want to be succesful, have fun, and live life to the fullest. I may have many more hopes, dreams, and inspirations to come. But to not any day for granted is truly the best way to do anything you want to do.


  1. I really liked this post, Celeste! I appreciated how you put personal parts about yourself into every little explanation. I loved all the pictures, and how creative you were! Some people could've simply wrote one word lists with a check box, but no, you go all out and explain in a paragraph or so why you want to do this or that, or what you have already done! It was fun to read! Thank you for sharing this! GREAT JOB! - Emily

  2. I really liked the quote at the end. I agree with it because i think that as we grow we decide everything that has happened, everything that is happening, and everything that will happen. so we do create ourselves.

  3. You did a very impressive job describing your bucket list. It was fun to read and the mix of images and quotes added to the message. That's great that you were able to see family in Mexico that you never met. And as for the idea of traveling --I agree with you--I also just need more time!

    Great lessons and advice for anyone reading.

  4. This is awesome! I love that you shared music with your post. Awesome Bucket list! I too want to travel the world :) LOVE THE QUOTE AT THE END! :)
